danubePrediction - Examples
In the following, an example request and the according response using the danubePrediction endpoint are shown.Note: This example assumes the rules have already been set as shown in the setRules example.const testData = [
id: 0,
title: "job-1",
field: "Test/QA",
salaryFrom: 36000,
salaryTo: 50000,
daysAgo: 240,
companyType: "Startup",
jobLevel: "Experienced",
technologies: ["Python", "Java", "C++", "C"],
benefits: ["Flexible working hours", "Team events"]
id: 1,
title: "job-2",
field: "Software",
salaryFrom: 42000,
salaryTo: 60000,
daysAgo: 100,
companyType: "Established company",
// jobLevel missing --> data may be incomplete
technologies: ["Git", "Docker", "JavaScript"]
// benefits missing --> data may be incomplete
const stringifiedTestData = JSON.stringify(testData);
const testSearchData = {
companyType: ["Startup"],
jobLevel: ["Junior", "Experienced"],
technologies: ["SQL", "Java", "Linux"],
benefits: ["Flexible working hours", "Home office"]
const stringifiedTestSearchData = JSON.stringify(testSearchData);
POST https://api.danube.ai/graphqlbody: {
"query": "mutation ($data: PredictionInputData!) { danubePrediction(data: $data) { newColumnScores { property, score }, rowScores, rowMatches } }",
"variables": {
"data": {
"rulesId": "my-rules-set-1",
"data": {{stringifiedTestData}},
"searchData": {{stringifiedTestSearchData}},
"initialColumnScores": [
{"property": "salaryFrom", "score": 1},
{"property": "salaryTo", "score": 1},
{"property": "daysAgo", "score": 0.5}, // might be initialized less important
{"property": "companyType", "score": 1},
{"property": "jobLevel", "score": 1},
{"property": "technologies", "score": 2}, // might be initialized more important
{"property": "benefits", "score": 1}
"strategy": "mixed",
"mixFactor": 0.75,
"impact": 1
"data": {
"danubePrediction": {
"newColumnScores": [
{"property": "salaryFrom", "score": 0.97},
{"property": "salaryTo", "score": 0.97},
{"property": "daysAgo", "score": 1.15},
{"property": "companyType", "score": 0.70},
{"property": "jobLevel", "score": 1.56},
{"property": "technologies", "score": 1.20},
{"property": "benefits", "score": 0.95}
"rowScores": [3.99, 2.61, ...],
"rowMatches": [
[0.83, 0.83, 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 1.00, 0.50],
[1.00, 1.00, 0.58, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00],